A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Kate Hellmers, Angel Expert and Author of The Arch Angel Advantage – 122 Arch Angels and How Powerful They Can Be For You, will energetically read which one Arch Angel will be the most beneficial to guide your throughout 2022 in achieving your goals. Amazing help for you all year long.
Being able to have a specific Arch Angel to help you all year round that is incredibly advantageous and beneficial for your energy!
As soon as you complete your order, the data shoots through the system to deliver your:
1. An email with the ARCHANGEL Certificate!
2. Within a couple of days, you will receive the link to the Angel Page which contains your Angel Packet of the booklet, videos, etc.
2. Within about 5 days, you will receive another email with the PERSONALIZED READING including the ONE Arch Angel for you, an entire page of information on that Arch Angel and phrases you can use to connect to that Arch Angel.
3. You will also receive an invite to a LIVE Q&A for any questions you might have coming up at the end of December.
“There is nothing as wonderful as having the right Arch Angel have your best interest at heart all year long.”
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