















Effortlessly Enhance Your Manifestation Abilities And Align With Epic Wealth, Health, Love, And Abundance







Manifestation: the serendipitous ability to turn your beliefs into a reality

Have you ever wondered why your manifestations aren’t working?


Has all the effort you put into making vision boards and repeating affirmations left you feeling dissappointed and exhausted?

Manifesting is supposed to be easy. So why does it feel so impossible?


I’ll let you in on a little secret.

Most of what you’ve been taught about manifesting is wrong.


If you really want to manifest the life you’ve been dreaming of then you have to be in the right energetic vibration to attract what you want.


The truth is, you are manifesting right now.

Whatever road blocks stand between you and your desired outcomes are all placed there by you. If the energy of abundance is not flowing in your direction, you then you have a block that needs healing.

Affirmations and positive thinking on their own can’t heal the deep energy blocks you may be harboring from subconscious beliefs or even past lives.


Once you realize this, your energy can be redesigned to align with your goals so that the blocks in your way are eradicated and you can finally start manifesting the life you actually want.


I have created a one of a kind way to make this process So Much Easier.


Manifestation is not a logical, by the book, process. It is a creative, subconscious, and intuitive experience.


In order to activate your full manifestation abilities, you have to engage in a full mental and energetic shift. Positive thinking, affirmations, and visualizing what you want only scratches the surface on the deep seeded energy healing that needs to take place to fully align you with the abundance that is waiting for you.

Hi, my name is Jacqueline!

I’m an energy reader, Reiki practitioner, and co-owner of Your 10 Keys. I’ve developed a 7 day energy shifting experience called Magnify Your Manifestations that can massively improve your manifestation results.

In this program, you’ll receive 7 days of videos that are designed to help you unblock the barriers holding you back and align you with your true power.

Each video is of a specially designed manifestation circle that has been infused with Reiki energy and is linked to the guidance of an Archangel.

The combination of these powerful circles mixed with the unique gifts of your own energy system can help you majorly uplevel your life. Once your energy has been healed and shifted, it can feel like your manifestation abilities have been magnified…hence the name of the program!

What Are Manifestation Circles?


These circles help to balance your energy so that you are in harmony with the universal forces at work, heal blocks in your energy, and make it easier for your subconscious mind to uproot belief systems that no longer serve you. With each circle, you’ll also be guided by an Archangel to ensure you are receiving the high vibrational support you need during your energy shift.


Each circle is also infused with Reiki. Reiki is a gentle, non-intrusive energy healing practice. The universal life force energy that is used in Reiki is capable of healing any part of the body, mind, and soul.


When you are willing to accept its healing benefits, Reiki can help uncover, shift, and even clear out the blocks in your energy holding you back from fulfilling your manifestation desires.


These manifestation circles are crafted out of specifically chosen stones, crystals, and other natural items and placed in a circle of Divine Love that is designed to Magnify Your Manifestations and help you tap into the universal flow of energy.



Above is an example of what the circles look like, though this one is not included. As each one is unique, you’ll only unlock the circles that are a part of this program after you’ve purchased them.


You may experience feeling happier, lighter, more positive, and a complete sense of peace while these videos are playing. You can also have specific goals you wish to manifest other than these themes.


These manifestation circles will help you shift into alignment and connect you to the higher path of our soul’s true desires.


There are over 16 hours of videos to help turn you into a super manifestor. And  you can use these videos again and again!


Now, I am not guaranteeing that manifestations circles are a magical solution that will instantly make you a millionaire with the perfect life here. But they are one of the most effective tools I’ve used to synchronize with my goals to massively magnify my own manifestation abilities.


They have changed my life and the lives of people who have used them in so many ways. I am so excited to be able to offer them to you.


If you want to…


Then This Program Was Made For You

So, how does this program work?

Upon signing up, you will receive an email that will explain how to access the Your 10 Keys Members Only Academy where you can access this program.

Inside the academy, you will get 14 Manifestation Circle videos (2 videos per day) plus the Magnify Your Manifestation Guidebook to walk you through each video’s directions and guide you through the program.

I’ll also share my signature 7 Steps to Manifesting Like Magic, which will teach you the foolproof steps to manifesting the life of your dreams.

My mission is to help you obliterate the crippling blocks stopping your from attaining the success you’ve dreamed of and magnify your ability to manifest in just 7 days.


Each Day…

You will focus on a different manifestation theme. There are seven main areas where people experience the most trouble when manifesting: feeling confident, receiving wealth, experiencing genuine love, feeling positive energy, being embraced by your soul family, allowing your creative genius to flow, and connecting to your Highest Path. Over the seven days, you will tackle each one of these important areas.

You will follow along to a 15-20 minute Alignment Circle video to help you experience breakthroughs in your mind-energy connection. This means that in just 20 minutes a day, you can shift your mental and emotional state to actually see the manifestation results you are looking for.


You will also have a 1-4 hour Soul Circle video to play in the background when you are sleeping or focused on other things to help you unconsciously heal your deeply rooted beliefs and blocks and connect your energy to your soul’s true goals.


Manifesting your dream life is 100% possible and Magnify Your Manifestations can help you on your journey to success if you are willing to open yourself up to the abundance avaiable to you.

This Is Ancient Wisdom For The Modern Go Getter


If thinking positively and focusing on your vision board worked, you wouldn’t be here right now would you?


My approach to manifesting is to heal the blocks holding you back, align with the energy of what you want, and tap into your limitless potential.


It’s time to become a CHANNEL for abundance!


Because if not now, then when?


For the amount of energy healing, abundance alignment, and manifestation amplification you are about to receive and be able to use for the rest of your life, I am telling you that this program is an absolute score!

Get The Magnify Your Manifestation

7 Day Program!

The benefits that Manifestation Circles can bring are priceless but if I were to put a price on it the program would easily be worth over $1,000. 


But I’m offering it now for only $75


If you sign up today you will receive:

  • 7 Manifesation Alignment Circles
  • 7 Manifestation Soul Circles
  • The Magnify Your Manifestations Playbook
  • 1 BONUS Ultimate Alignment Circle
  • 1 BONUS Ultimate Soul Circle
  • Access to the exclusive Your 10 Keys Accademy with extra videos and bonus features


Sign up for Magnify Your Manifestations and get LIFETIME ACCESS to over 16 hours of energy healing and manifestation alignment videos.